Friday, June 02, 2006

Window Cleaning FAQ #2

"How tall are you?" Asks a short round lady. I can tell she's a bank teller by her uniform and the embroidered logo.
"Um six foot four and a bit." I reply, using imperial measurement which based on my perception of her age she'll understand.

"Wow that must be a really helpful in being able to reach up to the top of windows."
Um yes... the fact that I have a good reach hasn't escaped me. Why is it that people feel they need to point out the bleeding obvious. I don't mean to be rude (infact I welcome the chance for conversation) but bleeding heck it's like they think I live in some deluded fairy land where I'm totally oblivious to being tall.
"Yes." I say.

"Do you play any sports?" she continues.
"I've been known to play quite a few." I find these conversations quite boring mostly because I've answered them so many times. I decide to mix things up.

"I used to play cricket. I raced Mountain bikes for while but I gave it up cause I was busy with church stuff." She looks a little surprised and confused. "Yeah I'm a Christian.” I add pushing my point home.
"Being a Christian was more important to me than any of the sports that I played," I finish casually.
"Fair enough" she says. I can see the conversation is dying and I don't want her to think I'm some kind of ascetic.
"I played mixed netball most recently but a girl broke two of my ribs," I offer.
"I thought it was a non-contact sport?” she says sounding surprised.
"So did I. I stopped playing a little while after that when my mate who ran the team moved away."

"Have a good day" she says, suddenly realizing she’s putting my work schedule behind. She’s not getting away quite yet.
"I’m Mike," I offer my hand, "Thanks for chatting."
She smiles "I’m Enid".


Blogger ckjolly said...

I'd rather laugh than cry: what is it like to be tall?

My mom would always yell for me to come reach a pot from on top of the cabinets for her.

June 02, 2006 11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

y didn't ur mum put the pots where she could reach them?

June 04, 2006 12:39 PM  

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