Thursday, May 18, 2006

little bits and pieces...

The day began rather badly when I woke with a splitting headache. This was soon remedied with a couple of Nurofen Plus. Mike came round to visit and we were able to have a great chat about things at Crossroads as well as some changes to make to my draft MTS letter. In any case I was greatly encouraged and felt better than I have all week.

I spent the rest of the afternoon doing some bits and bobs in town. Most notably I bought another wireless computer keyboard and mouse. When I say another I really mean that I took the other one back cause it wasn't allowing my computer to show the screen saver and other frustrating things. In any case this one is lush.

The evening I spent doing some little bits and pieces jobs for Crossroads before attending a mountain bike premiere at the state cinema. Even if you don’t like bikes and stuff the cinematography was breathtaking.


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